Wednesday 24 July 2013

Arrived in the land of tulips

We have arrived in Amsterdam via Glasglow and Manchester. We have managed only cat naps since we left Calgary, some 22 hours ago and 31 hours since we woke up on Tuesday morning. 

We have met some very interesting folks along the way. Delmer and I had a delightful conversation with Billy Gordon from Lockerby. Billy was in Olds at the world plowing competition. He's a Ford and New Holland man. He told us that it cost $14,000 Canadian to ship his team's tractors and plows over for the competition. Quite the hobby I'd say. Ron sat with a man and his daughter from Kelliher (not far from our old hometown). They are originally from England and moved to Saskatchewan to farm a number of years ago. It's a small world. I have also been telling folks along the way that Ron's bandaged arm is the result of him falling off his horse at the Calgary Stampede (its much more interesting than what really happened.

Tomorrow we are catching the train to Grou, and hopefully some down time to recharge our batteries.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have arrived in the Netherlands safely! It is indeed a small world so behave yourselves or we will hear about it back in Canada! ; )
    We hope Ron's arm is healing nicely... safe travels & enjoy!

    Wanda & Kirk
