Saturday 25 July 2015

Tripping - Regensburg

Our next stop, Regensburg

This very old city has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, not a specific building, but the entire old town! Regensburg was the original capital of Germany. Unlike many European cities, Regensburg was virtually untouched during WWII. 

We stayed on the outskirts of Regensburg at the Mercure Hotel. We selected it because it had air conditioning (it was in the mid 30 degree Celcius range) and it offered a great deal of 138 Euros for two nights, the least expensive hotel during our entire trip. A short 20 minute bus ride dropped us down in the old city.  

We arrived in the city around lunchtime. We couldn't check into our hotel, so we parked our car and headed by bus down to the old centrum. We got off along the Danube, bought tickets for a three hour air conditioned luxury river cruise to historical Walhalla, a Roman like structure built in the mid 1800s. No photos though, our camera needed a recharge.

We spent nine hours the following day cramming in as much sightseeing as possible in the old town. We took a tour through the famous Thurn und Taxis Museen and Schloss. The palace was originally built as a monastery by Roman monks, then then given to German royalty several hundred years later. The descendants still live in the palace.

Oscar Schindler lived here after the war, living on one of the side streets in the old town.

Beautiful churches of Regensburg.

Altes Rathaus - city hall and surrounding area.

We finished off a full second day in Regensburg at the old Sausage Kitchen on the stone bridge over the Danube. The sauerkraut and wurst were yummy! 

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