Wednesday 16 October 2013

London - Day one and two

We left Brugge on the morning of September 17, first taking the train to Lille, France and then catching the Eurostar train into Kings Cross train station in London. we then took the "Tube" to Bayswater Station and then a short walk to our hotel in Notinghill. We navigated the route almost flawlessly. Once checked in, we familiarized ourselves with the neighbourhood, heading to Hyde Park and Kensington Palace. We closed out our day with a tasty dinner of fish and chips at a local pub.

Our first full day in London was busy. Ron, Delmer and I made our way along Princess Diana's walking rout to the opposite end of Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace in the morning. Ron moved on to Westminister Abbey, while Delmer and I stayed behind to have lunch at the "Bag of Nails" pub and taking the tour inside Buckingham Palace. It was the highlight of our visit to London.

We made our way to Westminster Abbey, taking an abreviated tour through this historical church. I have always wanted to walk down the aisle where the Queen, Princess Diana and Duchess Kate made there way on their wedding day. We viewed many of the tombs (there are a lot of famous dead people here). From there we passed by Big Ben and the Parliament Buildings. We met up with Ron at the London Eye, only to find out that it was closed due to technical difficulties. We made our way to Trafalgar Square and Picadilly Circus, and then made our way back to Nottinghill and our hotel.

We started day two with riding the "Tube" to the London Eye", where we were fortunate to take a ride on this popular tourist attraction. After that we made our way to the historic Globe Theatre to take in Shakespeare's play Mid-summer Nights Dream in the afternoon. Both of these experiences made our top three in London. After the play we wandered along the Thames to the Tower Bridge and within sight of the Tower of London, having supper in one of the restaurants along the way.  

Hyde Park

Westminster Abbey

Big Ben and Parliament Buildings

Picadilly Circus

London Eye

Globe Theatre

Tower Bridge

Tower of London

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