Monday 29 July 2019

On the canal near Snitzer Mar

We packed a picnic lunch and our folding chairs for a few hours of boat and ship watching.

Saturday 27 July 2019

Friday evening Leeuwarden


Back in Freisland

We began our day with a quick trip to the nearby grocery store for a few food items. We love the European cheeses, pates, sausages, and breads. They all have so much more flavor than what we buy at home. We also have a Nespresso coffee machine, so I am enjoying very delicious coffee (but haven't seen George Clooney or Danny DeVito yet 😀).

Friends from back home, Ron and Shirley, who just happened to be holidaying in the Netherlands as well paid us a visit. We decided to drive out to Harlingen on the sea for the afternoon. We strolled along the haven, then window shopped in the centrum. I bought a loaf of delicious raisin and currant bread. It must have had half a kilo of fruit in it!

We returned to Leeuwarden for supper at De Walrus restaurant and ended the evening with a walk along the nearby canal. 

It was a fun day visiting old friends.

Friday 26 July 2019

Moving on....

On Thursday, July 25 we had to say our
goodbyes to our dear friends, Mick and Margaret, and to England. We had a marvelous time and have made lasting memories.  The fish and chips, growlers, fruit and custard pie, cakes, meat pasties, bangers and mash, and a few pints of beer have put a smile on our faces and an inch or two on our waistlines. We experienced a variety of places, all unique, all forming a patchwork of what the north means. We loved it all!

We departed from the Bradford Leeds airport on jet2 to Amsterdam. We were seated right in the middle of a group of party girls who cracked a bottle of champagne when we were barely 50 feet of the runway. I have never seen anyone talk for three minutes without taking a breath of fresh air before. Their bottle was drained before we arrived at the Schiphol airport terminal, 52 minutes later. Party on girls!

The temperature on arrival was 39.6 Celcius. We gathered up our bags, bought first class train tickets (to ensure we traveled in air conditioned comfort) for our two hour plus journey to Leeuwarden. We jumped on the train, it seemed horribly warm but we thought, no worry, the air conditioning will surely come on we we get going. NOT! We were holed up in a train car full of sweaty travellers with no way to open a window! Who says girls don't sweat! We were in a hell of a lather for 70 minutes, fanning ourselves with make shift fans. We boarded our second train at Zwolle. It was much cooler and we slumped into our seats and tried to regain our composure.

Once in Leeuwarden we settled in our living accommodations and tried to get some rest. Next day forecast, much the same unfortunately and we are expecting visitors. Vacationing is hard work LoL.

Wednesday 24 July 2019


Ilkley Cow and Calf Rocks

Otley and Ilkley bound

We didn't stray too far from Bradford, our last full day in England. Mike and Margaret showed us some of the places where they used to work then we drove to Otley, one of their favorite places.

Once parked, we strolled along the River Wharfe in the Wharfemeadows Park. People played lawn bowls nearby. We then made our way to the nearby shops past the birth place of famous furniture maker Chippendale.

We lunched on delicious growlers (pork pies), custard and fruit pies. Then we quenched our thirsts at a nearby pub.

Margaret masterfully manoeuvred the very narrow winding roads up and over the Ilkley Moor stopping to catch the cool country breeze at Cow and Calf Rocks.

Tuesday 23 July 2019


The Lakes

The Lakes in the north is a gem.

Windermere is framed by tall green shaded hills. Boats of all sizes float along on the blue green waters. People wander along shoreline and nearby shops. What a nice sunny day for families and friends to enjoy some leisure time in a beautiful part of the world.

We lunched on fish and chips and steak pastie, then took a boat ride up the lake to Ambleside. We found a great spot for some refreshments along the lake shore and watched the world go by until it was time to board for the return cruise.

Slightly sun burnt and very mellow sums up our day at Windermere.