Saturday 27 July 2019

Back in Freisland

We began our day with a quick trip to the nearby grocery store for a few food items. We love the European cheeses, pates, sausages, and breads. They all have so much more flavor than what we buy at home. We also have a Nespresso coffee machine, so I am enjoying very delicious coffee (but haven't seen George Clooney or Danny DeVito yet 😀).

Friends from back home, Ron and Shirley, who just happened to be holidaying in the Netherlands as well paid us a visit. We decided to drive out to Harlingen on the sea for the afternoon. We strolled along the haven, then window shopped in the centrum. I bought a loaf of delicious raisin and currant bread. It must have had half a kilo of fruit in it!

We returned to Leeuwarden for supper at De Walrus restaurant and ended the evening with a walk along the nearby canal. 

It was a fun day visiting old friends.

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