Sunday 21 July 2019

Whitby wandering....

Sunday, July 21.

We set off to the seaside town of Whitby and the famous Whitby Abbey which was the inspiration for Bram Stoker in writing his 1897 novel Count Dracula. It's 199 stair  steps (and we walked them in both directions) ascend from the street below, providing the proper atmosphere for the skeleton-like abbey and surrounding old cemetary and chapel. Shut your eyes and imagine being in this haunting place on a chilly stormy night!

The town was a wonderful display of street mimes, little shops, restaurants (we sampled some English pasties) and pubs (one of which assisted in quenching our thirst). This area is known for jet black gems and there were plenty to be had, some of which depicted haunting Dracula themed designs.

Captain Cook learned his sea fairing education in Whitby and his statue overlooks the harbour.

The drive to and from Whitby from our home base in Bradford was a picturesque display of woodlands and heather covered moors.

Such a lovely way to spend a Sunday in the English countryside.

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