Tuesday 6 August 2013

Island of Terschelling

We drove to Harlingen which is about a 30 minute drive from Grou, and took the ferry on the Waddenzee to the island of Terschelling. This is where the Dutch like to vacation and is famous for it's cranberries. We lunched on tasty sandwiches and then rented bycycles to explore the island including the narrow streets of the town. We finished off our visit with coffee and tea and some delicious cranberry brownies. We arrived back at Leeuwarden for "Big Tasties" burgers at the local MacDonalds. I must say, this McDonald's restaurant is the best on the planet. Delmer has craved this restaurant's burgers ever since our last visit in 2010. It was a very good day.

Check out photos of the day including one of Delmer. He is getting ready for the Banjo Bowl.

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